Home Roses Our roses Roses Misty Bubbles

Roses Misty Bubbles


Roses Misty Bubbles

Roses Misty Bubbles

Height from 50 cm

Diameter from 3 cm

Height 50 sm 60 sm 70 sm 80 sm 90 sm 100 sm 110 sm
180,0 210,0 230,0 240,0 245,0 0,0 0,0
Misty Bubbles spray
0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Misty Bubbles spray
180,0 210,0 230,0 240,0 245,0 0,0 0,0

Peony-shaped rose Misty Bubbles was first grown in Ukraine at Camellia's plant.
This rose has a deep pink color with a violet hue. On one branch is located from 5 inflorescences.

Due to the splendor of the branches, a bouquet of this spray roses looks spectacular and at the same time gentle.

Every buyer will always pay attention in a flower shop to the place where roses are sold. Their greater variety and attractive appearance always catch the eye of even those customers who came to the store for completely different colors. Therefore, the business of growing roses is very popular in our country. The Camellia company supports mass production and sells cut Misty Bubbles roses with delivery throughout Ukraine.

We are a large manufacturer, and therefore we are ready to offer customers:

  • favorable price;

  • roses in the required quantity;

  • many varieties;

  • the best conditions for purchase and delivery.

Good discounts are provided for regular customers.

Features of growing Misty Bubbles roses in greenhouses

It is impossible to grow roses for wholesale sales without establishing proper production for this. It must necessarily include the presence of high-tech greenhouses, where the following will be supported using automatic systems:

  • thermal regime;

  • optimal humidity;

  • proper ventilation;

  • 24-hour lighting;

  • systematic soil fertilization.

It is in these conditions that our roses grow, which allows us to grow them in large quantities. We offer Misty Bubbles roses in bulk and make sure that all of our products, without exception, are of high quality. Responsible personnel always ensure that the plant growth process is accompanied by constant care and proper cutting.

If you want to order Misty Bubbles roses in bulk at a competitive price, then call our manager.

Roses Misty Bubbles from the manufacturer - features of the variety

One of the best decorations for a bouquet can be the Misty Bubbles variety of roses. The unusual shade of the flower gives the plant a special mystery. Among the main features of this variety it is necessary to highlight:

  • spherical buds;

  • pink-violet shade;

  • refined aroma;

  • persistent shoots.

Bouquets of these flowers will delight their owner for a long time. The main thing is to provide them with proper care and regularly change the water in the vase. With the help of such bouquets you can beautifully decorate interiors.

If you want to choose Misty Bubbles roses from the manufacturer for a gift or are a wholesale buyer, then you can always count on the services of our company. We have the best wholesale prices for Misty Bubbles roses, as you can see by comparing them with the market price.

Rose Misty Bubbles wholesale - how to place an order

In order to order Misty Bubbles roses with delivery to Kyiv or another city, you should contact our manager by phone. From us you can buy roses in the required quantity.

The Camellia chain of stores will help you make a retail purchase or make a wholesale purchase. Our own production is focused on selling only high-quality products. We will offer cut roses of decent quality.