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Roses Snow World


Roses Snow World

Roses Snow World

Height from 40 cm

Diameter from 3 cm

Height 50 sm 60 sm 70 sm 80 sm 90 sm 100 sm 110 sm
175,0 185,0 200,0 205,0 210,0 0,0 0,0
Snow World spray
0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Snow World spray
175,0 185,0 200,0 205,0 210,0 0,0 0,0

Peony-shaped variety of roses, which is characterized by particularly lush branches. On one branch can be located up to 10 buds.
The color of the buds is white with a slight greenish tint at the base. 

"Camellia" has the exclusive right to grow this sort of rose in Ukraine.

The most popular flowers in our country are roses. These are flowers of magnificent beauty and aromas that can be found in large quantities on the market. Some varieties of roses are similar in their bud structure to peonies. Snow World belongs to these varieties. Ukrainian producer Camellia grows this variety for retail and wholesale sales. Buyers can choose from us cut Snow World roses to create lush and beautiful bouquets. For wholesale and regular customers, we offer the best price on the market.

Features of growing Snow World roses in greenhouses

To ensure high consumer demand for roses, we grow them for retail and wholesale sale to residents throughout Ukraine. You can order Snow World roses in bulk for retail. For buyers, we create all the necessary conditions for a quick order. We have trained staff who will quickly prepare flowers by selecting fresh and healthy plants.

We guarantee high quality products for our customers, since we grow flowers in specially equipped greenhouses, where optimal conditions for their growth are necessarily maintained, namely:

  • temperature within 18-25 degrees;

  • suitable humidity;

  • stable ventilation;

  • good lighting.

Flowers are planted at an optimal distance from each other in well-fertilized soil. For sale, flowers are cut correctly so that they can retain their original freshness for as long as possible. At your first request, we will provide flower delivery to Kyiv or another city in the country.

If you would like to purchase Snow World roses in bulk at a competitive price, then contact us by phone or immediately come to our flower base.

Snow World roses from the manufacturer - features of the variety

The Snow World variety of roses is distinguished by the fact that it blooms with lush inflorescences. There can be up to 20 flowers on one stem at once. Among other features it is worth noting:

  • the diameter of the bud reaches up to 7 cm;

  • despite the barely perceptible aroma, the rose attracts attention with its beautiful buds;

  • dark green leaves;

  • there are practically no thorns on the shoots;

  • high resistance to disease and frost.

This variety of roses is well suited for planting along borders or for decorating flower beds. It is also suitable for creating lush bouquets in which you can add other flowers.

We offer Snow World roses from the manufacturer, and therefore we can guarantee their high quality. If you are interested in wholesale prices for Snow World roses, then you can see them in our price list. On the website you will find the cost of retail and wholesale.

Rosa Snow World wholesale - how to place an order

In order to order Snow World roses, you should contact our manager by phone. Through our wholesale base you can buy roses in the required quantity. Through our chain of Camellia stores you can make a retail purchase.

Our own production is focused on small and large wholesale. Therefore, retail stores from all over the country can contact us to purchase quality products. We will offer cut roses of excellent quality and at a reasonable cost. We provide fast delivery within the agreed time frame.