Home Roses Our roses Roses Ariana

Roses Ariana


Roses Ariana

Roses Ariana

Height from 50 cm

Diameter from 4 cm

Height 50 sm 60 sm 70 sm 80 sm 90 sm 100 sm 110 sm
60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0 95,0 0,0 0,0
0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0 95,0 0,0 0,0

The novelty of the production "Camellia".
One-bud rose with a medium-sized bud. Has a soft coral color with a pinkish tint.

Roses are considered the most beautiful flowers. They are very popular and can be seen in large quantities in every store. Among the different varieties of roses, you can pay attention to Rose Ariana. Its unusual soft coral color will not leave any buyer indifferent. The Camellia chain of stores grows large quantities of cut Ariana roses for wholesale. You can order any wholesale batch from us, which will cost you at a competitive price.

All roses are grown in well-equipped greenhouses, where optimal conditions are maintained. We offer to order Ariana roses in bulk for everyone without exception. Customers from Kyiv and all over Ukraine can contact us.

Features of growing Ariana roses in greenhouses

Our own production includes specially equipped greenhouses, which are equipped with modern automatic systems. Thanks to computer programs, the greenhouses constantly maintain:

  • optimal temperature conditions;

  • regular drip irrigation;

  • full ventilation;

  • dosed application of fertilizer to the soil.

The greenhouses are equipped with modern lighting, which makes it possible to provide the flowers with the necessary access to light. Thanks to our well-established production, we can wholesale Ariana roses in large quantities. In the greenhouse, the roses are additionally looked after by experienced employees who cut selected flowers for sale.

Ariana roses from the manufacturer - features of the variety

The Ariana rose variety has a classic bud shape. The juicy coral shade adds a special piquancy to the flower. This is a universal rose variety that goes well with flowers such as:

  • peonies;

  • tulips;

  • carnations.

They make stylish and expressive bouquets that can be bought for a special occasion. Peach Avalanche roses from the manufacturer are grown with a diameter of 4 cm. They make self-sufficient compositions that will laconically decorate a residential or office interior.

Other features of the flower:

  • the bud has a cone shape;

  • the petals curl slightly outward;

  • persistent shoots;

  • slightly perceptible aroma.

In our price list you will find wholesale prices for Ariana roses, which may vary depending on the length of the stem.

Rose Ariana wholesale - how to place an order

We offer to buy Ariana roses in bulk on favorable terms. You can order flowers of different varieties at once. We provide fast delivery. For those who are interested in wholesale, we guarantee the best purchasing conditions.

We have our own production, which makes it possible to offer the best prices for flowers. From us you can purchase cut roses in optimal condition and without defects. They are carefully cut in greenhouses and sent immediately for delivery.

The Camellia chain of stores is engaged in wholesale sales and is ready to provide an individual approach to each customer. Call to order at a time convenient for you.