Home Roses Our roses Roses Pink Vanessa spray

Roses Pink Vanessa spray


Roses Pink Vanessa spray

Roses Pink Vanessa spray

Height from 50 cm

Diameter from 2 cm

Height 50 sm 60 sm 70 sm 80 sm 90 sm 100 sm 110 sm
95,0 110,0 125,0 135,0 140,0 0,0 0,0
Pink Vanessa spray
0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Pink Vanessa spray
95,0 110,0 125,0 135,0 140,0 0,0 0,0

Rose Pink Vanessa has a gently pink color with a coral tint. Rose spray - these are small flowers collected in one inflorescence. The flower bud is conical, the outer petals are slightly twisted. On one branch can be located up to ten buds.

Pink Vanessa is an exclusive brand, invented on "Camellia" production.

In order for everyone to be able to purchase a bouquet of roses, manufacturers are doing everything possible to satisfy the buyer's deadline. For this purpose, a large number of rose varieties are grown in special greenhouses. The Camellia company is one of the largest suppliers of roses in Ukraine, which offers profitable wholesale for a large number of customers. Owners of retail outlets from different parts of the country trust us.

Among the wide range we offer various varieties, including cut roses Pink Vanessa spray in the quantity you need. For all buyers we provide:

  • prompt order fulfillment;

  • preparing fresh flowers in the required quantities;

  • fast delivery and favorable prices.

To ensure maximum freshness of flowers for the buyer, we cut them immediately before sending them for delivery. Therefore, we sell Pink Vanessa spray roses wholesale and guarantee customers first-class service and high quality products.

Features of growing roses Pink Vanessa spray in greenhouses

We grow roses using a unique technology, which allows us to supply flowers to the market that can remain fresh for a long time. Thanks to automatic systems, we have the opportunity to grow even the most capricious and heat-loving varieties. For this purpose, the optimal level is maintained in greenhouses:

  • temperature;

  • humidity;

  • air ventilation;

  • lighting.

The growth of roses in greenhouses is monitored by experienced employees who constantly monitor the condition of the flowers and cut selected flowers for sale. Therefore, you can purchase Pink Vanessa spray roses wholesale from us on favorable terms. We offer only those products of which we are completely confident.

Roses Pink Vanessa spray wholesale from the manufacturer - features of the variety

Roses of this variety look great in gift bouquets. In a vase they will create bright accents against the background of any interior. Thanks to their lush flowering, bouquets of these roses immediately catch the eye.

Distinctive features of this variety:

  • soft cream color;

  • lush flowering due to the large number of buds on the stem;

  • the outer leaves of the bud curl outward;

  • the bud has a cone-shaped shape.

The exclusivity of this variety lies in the fact that it was bred by florists of the Camellia company. Therefore, if you want to get Pink Vanessa spray roses from the manufacturer, you must contact us directly.

Rose Pink Vanessa spray wholesale - how to place an order

If you want to order roses from our own production, then you should call our manager during business hours. We will prepare cut flowers for you in the required quantity. We provide delivery throughout Kyiv and other cities. You can buy roses from us in bulk and be completely confident in the high quality of the products.