Home Roses Our roses Roses Summer Dance spray

Roses Summer Dance spray


Roses Summer Dance spray

Roses Summer Dance spray

Height from 50 cm

Diameter from 2 cm

Height 50 sm 60 sm 70 sm 80 sm 90 sm 100 sm 110 sm
80,0 120,0 130,0 135,0 140,0 0,0 0,0
Summer Dance spray
0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Summer Dance spray
80,0 120,0 130,0 135,0 140,0 0,0 0,0

New variety of roses spray produced by "Camellia".
Rose spray Summer Dance has yellow color at the base of the bud with a rich-pink color to the end of the petals. Buds of small size, cone-shaped. On one branch can be up to ten buds.

The rose represents the queen of flowers. This is due to its beauty and popularity. In any flower shop you are sure to find them in large quantities. Large companies grow different varieties. This happens in specially equipped greenhouses. The Camellia company has at its disposal an area of 11 hectares, where large greenhouses are installed and various varieties of roses are grown.

People from all over Ukraine can contact us to make a wholesale purchase. We will offer a wide range, including cut roses Summer Dance spray. This is a beautiful and unusual variety of roses, which we sell with prompt delivery throughout Kyiv.

If you need to decorate a formal hall for a grand event or you are buying flowers for retail sale, then you can contact us for help. We will supply you with this variety of roses or any other flowers at a time suitable for you and at an affordable price.

Features of growing roses Summer Dance spray in greenhouses

To grow a large number of roses, our company was able to:

  • build large greenhouses;

  • purchase modern equipment with automatic systems;

  • introduce unique technologies for growing roses;

  • hire qualified personnel.

An integrated approach will allow us to grow and sell Summer Dance spray roses wholesale with the ability to satisfy any customer demand.

Anyone has the opportunity to call us during business hours and order Summer Dance spray roses in bulk, which we offer at the best price.

Roses Summer Dance spray from the manufacturer - features of the variety

Recently, miniature roses have become very popular. After all, they differ in that they have many buds growing on one stem. This gives the composition volume and makes it affordable.

These varieties include the rose Summer Dance spray. Among the features of the rose it is necessary to highlight:

  • attractive combination of yellow and red;

  • small inflorescence;

  • slightly noticeable aroma;

  • dense leaves with a glossy sheen.

This variety is mainly used to create bouquets. However, it can also be used to decorate various interiors.

If you want to purchase Summer Dance spray roses from the manufacturer, then you should contact the Camellia company. We will offer favorable purchasing conditions for both retail and wholesale buyers. You can view the wholesale price of Summer Dance spray roses on our website or check with the manager by phone.

Rose Summer Dance spray wholesale - how to place an order

To order flower products from our company, you can arrange delivery or pick up the products. We offer customers the opportunity to purchase flowers in bulk at the best market price. Our own production is focused on selling cut roses of the highest possible quality.