Home Roses Our roses Roses Peach Avalanche

Roses Peach Avalanche


Roses Peach Avalanche

Roses Peach Avalanche

Height from 50 cm

Diameter from 5 cm

Height 50 sm 60 sm 70 sm 80 sm 90 sm 100 sm 110 sm
50,0 55,0 60,0 65,0 75,0 0,0 0,0
Peach Avalanche
0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0
Peach Avalanche
50,0 55,0 60,0 65,0 75,0 0,0 0,0

Rose delicate peach color. The upper petals are greenish, but full disclosure bud color becomes pale peach. Flower large, goblet shape. Rose varieties Peach Avalanche well suited for a romantic and for business bouquet.

Every woman wants to receive a beautiful bouquet of flowers from her sweet husband. They wait with special trepidation for the arrangement of roses. You can see a large number of varieties on the market today. When purchasing, a man can pay attention to the Peach Avalanche variety, which attracts with its soft pink hue. The Camellia chain of stores grows cut Peach Avalanche roses for wholesale. You can order any wholesale batch from us at a competitive price.

We grow roses in modern greenhouses, which are equipped with automatic equipment to control the growing conditions for the plants. We offer to order Peach Avalanche roses in bulk on favorable terms. Customers from Kyiv and all over Ukraine can contact us.

Features of growing Peach Avalanche roses in greenhouses

All roses in our greenhouses are grown using special technologies. For this purpose, advanced equipment is used, which makes it possible:

  • maintain a normal temperature level;

  • carry out drip irrigation;

  • fully ventilate greenhouses;

  • apply fertilizers to the soil in doses.

The greenhouses are equipped with modern lighting, which makes it possible to provide the flowers with the necessary access to light. This allows us to sell Peach Avalanche roses wholesale in large quantities. Experienced employees are responsible for caring for and cutting flowers.

Roses Peach Avalanche from the manufacturer - features of the variety

The rose variety Peach Avalanche has a pleasant peach color. A green tint is visible on the upper petals. However, when the flower fully opens its bud during flowering, it completely turns light peach.

Peach Avalanche roses from the manufacturer are grown with a diameter of 5 cm. They make self-sufficient bouquets or original mixes.

Other features of the flower:

  • the bud has a cone shape;

  • the petals curl slightly outward;

  • persistent shoots;

  • resistance to various diseases.

This variety of roses is great for first date bouquets or business arrangements. In our price list you will find wholesale prices for Peach Avalanche roses, which will pleasantly surprise you.

Rose Peach Avalanche wholesale - how to place an order

For buyers, we offer to buy Peach Avalanche roses in bulk. You can order flowers of this and other varieties. We provide fast delivery. If you are interested in wholesale, then we guarantee the best purchasing conditions for you.

We have our own production, which makes it possible to offer the best prices for flowers. We sell cut roses directly from the greenhouses, where they are carefully trimmed and carefully sent for delivery.

The Camellia chain of stores is engaged in wholesale sales and is ready to provide an individual approach to each customer. For orders and consultations, call our manager.